Thursday, April 17, 2008

Detroit leads the nation in crime rate, ranking high above other cities. This rank has been attained by Detroit based upon the number of murders, rapes, burglaries, acts of arson, and various other criminal activities that occur here. In fact, when most people think of “Detroit”, an image of danger and wrongdoing comes to mind. However, I don’t think many would classify a "Violation of time limit for container to remain at curb" as one of the dangerous crimes being committed here in our city.

There are so many more important issues that the city of Detroit should be focused on other than the accidental misplacement of a garbage can. In his article, Stephen Henderson argues the unreasonable convictions of the city upon the Quades, the family who so “rampantly” left their garbage can sitting out for over 24-hours. The most effective literary device used by Henderson in his article is logos.

One assertion made by Henderson is the injustice of the case brought against the Quades. Henderson says, “Let's start with the fact that their house and block are an oasis in an area that is just a disaster”. If the Quade residence is situated right in the middle of an area covered in garbage, why is this family suddenly responsible for leaving a simple garbage can in out too long? Henderson’s use of logos in this assertion gives the reader a good understanding of the situation. By seeing the unfairness of the city towards the Quades, it helps the reader to agree with Henderson and understand the point being made by him.

Henderson also states, “Shouldn't the city be working on the real problems in the neighborhood, like taking out the burned-out heaps, rather than hassling responsible home owners with tickets for their garbage cans?” This opinion is highly logical; how can it be disagreed with? It has become clear, especially lately due to the scandals of the mayor, that the city of Detroit has not used its money towards its most sensible needs. Any passerby through the city, observing the dilapidated buildings, homeless people, and boarded up windows, could come to the conclusion that it is falling apart.

This is also what makes Henderson’s appeal to logic so effective.

His use of logos can be easily seen by others. It is common sense to the citizens of Detroit, and only takes the eyes of others to see for themselves. Henderson created an article based simply on facts that supported his opinion. There is a long road ahead of Detroit on its journey towards restoration. Apparently citizens should beware to keep their garbage cans off the curbs of it.


MartyP said...

Dear Kristin,
Your blog page was pink just like your halo character. I could not even read the article it was so pink. Remember when me and Andreas BOTH beat you?? Yea me too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristin! I enjoyed your blog this week, especially the last line... very clever. Your discussion of the use of logos is very thorough and helps define the purpose of the article. Your blog was very detailed and it was a pleasure to read.

<3 Allison

JBrandt said...

Logos is the best device for this topic. Henderson discusses the stupidity that resulted in this family getting a ticket. The man's reaction could be an example of pathos but Henderson is convincing you with his appeal to logic.

J. Gatz said...

tooo long, but it was nice

Mena said...

Dear KristIn,
The proof you used very closely resembles mine lol so therefore I completely agree with your assertions. The city of Detroit should be focusing more on other more important problems, like idk scandalous mayors perhaps, instead of leaving an elderly couple accidently leaving a garbage can out an extra day.
and yes, thank you, I am always in dresscode.
Angela was actually right by me until Mr. Brandt made me move. but I'm thinking Soup & Scoop before the game?

It's not too long, Brandon :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kristin!
I think you did a wonderful job at picking out the literary device in this article. You accurately discussed the use of logos, which proves the point that the family should not have gotten that ticket. Your blog kept me interested the whole time..good work.
<33, Leanne

oh and lets hope we win our game tonight :]

Anonymous said...

not bad, not bad, i would agree that henderson appeals to logos when talking about how the city must keep focused on crime and issues which are creating havoc in our city, yet with the cities blind eyes it may need some eader dog to get them away from perscuting minor garbage can offenders and deal with the true problems. By the way you were smoked in Halo and marty and I plan on doing it to you again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WILL SMASH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andrea 3000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

AP Language Blog said...

Dearest Kristin,

You are correct in saying that logos is a dominant literary devise in the article. It seems logical that the city authorities should crack down on the drug use and real crime. Nice Job. Like Marty said, if your blog is as kool as your halo character, then it must be sweet.