Thursday, November 15, 2007

Should Imus Be Allowed Back?

I disagree with the article by Laureen Stiller. Imus should not be allowed back onto the air. He deserved to be fired as a consequence of his statement. The words he chose to use were demeaning and offensive, and someone who decides to speak of others in such a way should not be employed at a position where others are able to listen to them do so. Although Imus did apologize for his actions, that does not make up for or change what he said. He should not be able to return to the air.

The best example used by Stiller is the one of New York Knicks coach, Isaiah Thomas, because it most closely resembles the main point. Thomas also used senseless and derogatory language when referring to how men speak to women of different races. He says that certain words are okay to be used by black men towards black women, while they aren’t as accepted when used by white men in the same way. The fact that Thomas wasn’t punished supports Stiller’s point to why Imus should be allowed back onto the air and accepted once again as a radio host. It proves that others have not been punished for their words, while Imus was. Although this helps to support Stiller’s point, it does not make it okay to use that type of language. It is not right for women to be labeled by disrespectful words, no matter who is stating them.


JBrandt said...

kristIn, the clarity of your closing statement is excellent. You concede the point made by Stiller's example of I. Thomas and still believe Imus deserves what he got. Nice strategizing.

Mena said...

KristIn, you argue that Imus should not be allowed to return to the air, and I agree because what Imus said was wrong and therefore, he should be punished for his offensive comments. Don Imus's use of inappropriate remarks are unexcusable and should have consequences. Nice blog. I think it deserves an A+.

Taylor Rogers said...

Kristin, you claim that Imus should not be allowed to return to the air after his rude comments, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I agree that what he said is totally unacceptable and deserves that he be kept off the air. On the other hand, I still insist that he be allowed to come back on air because many other people have made rude remarks and they only recieved aslap on the wrist.

JBrandt said...

Now that your name is spelled correctly, you can tell Mena not to try and convince me to give you an A+. I'm sure your God-given intellect can get there without Mena's help.

J. Gatz said...

You state that Don Imus should not be permitted back on the air and on one hand I believe you make some good points. You are right in saying that our society should not put up with such degrading speech. On the other hand, I believe that you can not restrict someone from their vocation for the rest of their life based upon one spontaneous mistake. It would be as absurd as telling a doctor he is never allowed to operate because of a malpractice. The company should be permitted to fire him, but he should still be allowed to work in the field of medicine. Beside, you and I both know that even good people make mistakes ;).

Anonymous said...

Kristin claims that because of Imus's use of derogatory words that he should be fired and no longer be able to be on the air, and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I agree that the words he decided to say on the air were completely offensive and much uncalled for. I believe that he should be punished in some way for his lack of decency. On the other hand, I still insist that he should not be kept off the air because of his mistake. Everyone will make plenty of mistakes in their lifetimes and this is just one of them in Imus's. I think he should be given another chance to redeem himself. If you think about it, many other people can get away with using derogatory and offensive words because of their race. Why is it that certain nationalities are treated differently? Why can't the world be equally Christ like and therefore equally treated?

Andrew Fluegge said...

How many hands are we dealing with here? Hop off the fence (to use another cliche) or at least think of a new argument starter! Come on AP Bloggers, take advice from an experienced AP Lit student, and warm up the argument before you jump right in!

Also good work Brandon, I liked your medical example, as well as the summoning of past experiences, ahem?, to prove your point.


Anonymous said...

I agree that Imus should not be allowed back on radio. On one hand you have imus who has not do anything wrong since but on the other He did say a racial comment and he should be punished. It doesn't matter what he does now he should not be allowed back on radio